1. To make a booking request from the weekly calendar or scheduler, click on the + symbol on the date and room you wish to book.
2. If you are making a booking request for the first time, you will be asked to enter your contact details and a password so that you can track your booking status, any changes that are made, plus view any invoices and payments linked to that booking, much in the same way you would with an online shopping website.
Note:If you don’t see the + symbol, then online booking has been disabled for this room or facility. Instead, contact us or call us 01296 532393 3. Once you have done this, you will need to complete the rest of the booking request form as follows: Rooms: Tick the room(s) that you want to include for this booking. If booking the whole Venue, make sure all the boxes are ticked.
4. Name: This is the name of the event you are booking.
5. Start Date/Time: The start date and time of the event. If this is a recurring booking, this is the start date and time of the first event in the series. End Date/Time: The end date and time of the event. If this is a recurring booking, this is the end date and time of the first event in the series.
6. Once completed press Save and the request will automatically be sent to the Hall Administrator for processing, you will also receive an email from us confirming that the request has been sent – this is not confirmation of your booking. You will then be taken to your Hallmaster dashboard to view your bookings and invoices.
7. View your Bookings, Invoice and Payments: Once logged in to your own account, you will be taken to a list of your bookings where you can see an overview of their dates, times and status, and any invoices that are due for payment. If the hall accept your booking the status will be confirmed.
8. When you receive the invoice simply click the Pay Now link in the invoice to access the payment page.